Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why am I here?

The question, of course, is as pretentious as blogging itself. What could I possibly write that is of interest to anyone other than myself? I've never "journaled" and the pure act of sitting in front of a computer is slightly distasteful. However, I do believe there is a positive lining to this mundane task; both for me, and hopefully for any reader that stumbles upon my scribbles.

For me, a low tech guy, I am facing the future and the inevitablity that this form of communication is here to stay. Also, as a member of the entertainment industry, this is a tool I must embrace for it represents the forefront of media marketing. As for my pact with the reader, I'll try to chronical my journey as an actor and filmmaker in an open and honest manner. Perhaps my experiences and many mistakes will guide someone to reach there own goals in both entertainment and in life. God is that pretentious!

With such a build up, how do I continue? History would be redundant. You can check out my profile. How about the future? Or least what I anticipate the future to be. One never knows in entertainment. Though "Ranchero" has not yet found a distributor, thanks to the excellent work of all involved with the production, I have gained some career footing. After a private screening of the film earlier this year, I was approached by an up and coming producer who inquired about other projects I may have in development. For those who don't know, development could mean anything from having a completed package (script, actors, director) in place to having just an idea for a screenplay. I was somewhere in the middle. I had completed a feature script entitled "The Last Out."

The logline for "The Last Out" goes as such: the story of a high school baseball star whose dreams are shattered when he is disabled by a tragic act of violence. Through an unlikely friendship with an ex-professional pitcher who is battling demons of his own, they both find the strength to overcome their obstacles and move on with their lives. For the sake of full disclosure, let me say that my producer friend, we'll call him Mr. F, was given two other screenplays of mine months earlier. He hadn't had a chance to read them. It wasn't until after seeing "Ranchero" did Mr. F sit down and read "The Last Out." He loved it, and the ball was now rolling.