Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I guess we're in development

No matter how regimented, hard-working, and optimistic one might be, life can be extremely unpredictable. No place is this truer than in the film business. Many struggle for years with very little "success" in the eyes of the industry; where as others seem to walk into opportunity the moment they step off the bus. Without going into a disertation about destiny and our ability to control it, let's let this statement stand as fact. The secret to life is another blog.

Getting a script read is one of those challenges without any clear path to accomplishment. How to pierce the ivory towers of agents, directors, and producers is anyone's guess. Gaining their interest is a whole other ballgame. However, a script that is relegated to the circular file can become a hot property with a single phone call from a high-powered player.

I guess I am fortunate that not one, but two producers have taken interest in "The Last Out." Neither "high-powered," but both "high-spirited." Through an industry friend (one way to get something read) I was able to pass it to an Executive Producer (the guy who gets the money). Mr. W. we'll call him. Mr. W. thought the project had merit and was interested in attempting to put together the financing. Financing, there's another mystery. The first question that anyone ever asks about an independent film is how did you get the money. In the case of my movie "Ranchero," I wrote the checks. That was a unique situation that I wouldn't necessarily recommend. But back to Mr. W., he felt he could tap some banking resources to put toghether our relatively modest budget. Needless to say, I was listening. That's when one of my character flaws clicked in- I'm loyal to a fault. What about Mr. F.? He showed interest first. Well, again, fortune shined on me. Not all producers are alike. And most films have a slew of them. I set up a meeting with me, Mr. F., and Mr. W. and low and behold, we all liked each other. We felt that, as a team, we could make this project happen. So, with our intial group of players set, we officially began development.

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